Registration opens
Resource Fair, Demonstrations, Poster Viewing and Lunch Break
Opening Remarks
Read moreEric Isaacs
Executive vice president for research, innovation and national laboratories, The University of Chicago
H. Birali Runesha
Assistant vice president for research computing, Director of the Research Computing Center (RCC)
Faculty Lightning Talks
Read moreVictoria Prince
Professor, Dept. of Organismal Biology & Anatomy, Dean for Graduate Affairs, Biological Sciences Division
"Single Plane Illumination Microscopy analysis of the origins and behavior of a unique zebrafish neuron"Luc Anselin
Stein-Freiler Distinguished Service Professor of Sociology and the College, Director, Center for Spatial Data Science, Senior Fellow, NORC
"Spatial Analytics in the Cloud with GeoDa Web"Nicole P. Marwell
Associate Professor, School of Social Service Administration
"The Human Services Big Picture Project"Luca Grandi
Assistant Professor, Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics, Enrico Fermi Institute, UChicago Physics Department
"Looking for Dark Matter with XENON-1T"Gregory A. Voth
Haig P. Papazian Distinguished Service Professor, Department of Chemistry
"Simulation of Biomolecular Systems: Overcoming the Multiscale Challenge"Keynote Speaker
IBM Watson is arguably one of the most advanced form of AI in the cognitive computing marketplace, as demonstrated by the historic exhibition match on the television quiz show Jeopardy!. Since then, cognitive technology is becoming pervasive in information systems. A wide range of cognitive capabilities, ranging from machine translation to image recognition have been made available on cloud to any developer, opening a new market for cognitive computing. However, perception is just one of the many fundamental abilities that characterize cognition. The new challenge for IBM Watson and for the whole industry will be to help human professionals doing better decisions in their own areas of interest. The next generation AI systems will show professional level of competence, leveraging deep domain knowledge accumulated over decades. To this aim, deep learning based solutions will be just one of many ingredients, knowledge representation and reasoning being the other two pillars. In this talk I’ll describe progress made by my team at IBM Research and envision new research directions.
Alfio M. Gliozzo
Research Manager, Knowledge Induction IBM T.J. Watson
"Knowledge and Reasoning in Cognitive Computing"Coffee Break + Poster Viewing and Demonstrations
Panel Discussions
Computation and analytics driving innovation across disciplines.
Come learn about what Computation and analytics can do for you and your future career. This panel is comprised of distinguished faculty and people from outside the University with different areas of expertise. One goal of the discussion will be for attendees to learn about how computation and/or data is currently being used in a variety of fields and industries to advance research or overcome problems and thoughts about future applications.